Sunday, December 11, 2011

Adopt-a-Family Delivery

Great job all! Everything had to be put together so fast to meet the December 10th delivery deadline. Thanks to Karen & Jackie (and Stephanie) for the organization and delivery parts, the shoppers (Elissa, Jazmin, Andrea and others), folks who wrapped (Jazmin, Andrea, Esther, Carissa, Nikki, Ariel, Will, Carly, Stephanie, 2 juniors, and others) the house leaders in collecting the donations (Jazmin, Andrea, Elissa, Diana, Shannon, Alec, Emmanuel, Christa). And thanks to all of you for contributing, including the staff and a few folks outside of iPoly!

We gave the three children lots of clothes, toys, and some other things. We gave the mom a gift card to target, a grocery store gift card, a wallet and an emergency flashlight for the home. We also gave them a Christmas tree.

We delivered on Saturday. It turned out to be about a 3-hour event. Jackie (12) and Stephanie (11) did a great job representing the classes (and others who gave) during the event.

The older son did not attend. The younger son was very happy with his toys. The mom was very happy. She expressed her thanks to the 11th and 12th grade classes. And the daughter had said she really liked clothes picked out for her.

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