Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Economic Systems

(Big Idea)

Nations are not one type of economic system.  They take characteristics that best fit their need. What is our need?  Legislators represent us and make those determinations.  

Last class, we examined the basic differences between the two economic systems (Capitalism and Socialism).  Now you will look at the philosophers behind the system and what they say.


1.  Read the biography of your economic philosopher as a group and develop a list of 10 literal (who, what, when where, and why) facts.

2.  Identify the strengths and concerns that this philosopher had with capitalism.  Explain what type of economic system (socialism, capitalism, communism) the economist would favor and why.  Support your opinion for both parts with the evidence from the reading.

3.  Determine how and why if your economist promotes each economic goal.  Support your opinion with evidence from the reading.

4.  Make the PowerPoint (not homework, we will finish during class time)

  • Slides:  Title, Introduction, Body and Conclusion  
  • Thesis is question #2
  • 1/3 rule per slide
  • Use speaker notes (what you would say in the presentation


Facilitator: Lead discussion on your economist and check for understanding

Harmonizer:  Making sure all folks have an opportunity contribute & get consensus on group decisions

Research Manager:  Make sure the specific questions are answered with evidence from the reading

Reporter:  On computer facilitating the completion of the PowerPoint  Organize your group on how you plan to put together your PowerPoint presentation.  Don't just start working, make a plan.

(Rule of Three)
  • Play the roles effectively
  • Completion of the PowerPoint requirements 
  • The speaker notes = your actual presentation (did you answer the questions)
(Questions)  Facilitator 

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